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Unit reviews: Reference boxes included in assessments

Unit reviews: Reference boxes included in assessments

by Simone Dawson -
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Over the last 12 months, we have undertaken a review of the Student Assessment Workbooks to include spaces for references in the Written Questions and where appropriate, in the Case Studies and Projects

In your assessments, it is important to ensure that you include references and include your own examples and considerations where possible. By not including references, you will receive a Not Yet Competent result

For references, at the end of the question, you can just include:

  • the weblink if research has been undertaken
  • BSBXXX5XX Learner Guide, Page XX (updated to reflect the unit of study and page number)
If a reference box has not been included, you still need to include your references.

In addition to this review, some units have had sections updated to provide further clarity and instructions. We do recommend that you only download the Student Assessment Workbook when you are ready to commence the unit.